The workshop will be hosted as part of the DESIGN 2024 Conference. The workshop's theme is ‘Sustainable Design: A Cross-Continental Perspective’, and the pre-workshop will focus on sustainability in product design and lifecycle assessment.

The 18th International Design Conference is set to convene on May 20th, 2024. The conference, jointly organized by the Sustainable Design SIG and Africa-Design Initiative, will be under the theme "Sustainable Design: A Cross-Continental Perspective".

This workshop will provide a forum for assessing progress to date towards creating an African Chapter of the Design Society, challenges and opportunities, and develop a plan for moving forward.

The 17th International Design Conference takes place from 23rd - 26th May 2022. AFRICA-DESIGN will be hosting a workshop under the theme 'Exploring Modalities of Mutual Learning for Global Sustainable Development'.

AFRICA DESIGN presents it's 3rd BARAZA under the theme 'Considering the Social Impacts of Design'. Hosted by the Brigham Young University Design Exploration Research Group and took place online on Wednesday, 20th April 2022.

AFRICA-DESIGN Baraza envisions to be a series of regular events where members get to take the leading role to plan out and hold a workshop in their own style, but in line with AFRICA-DESIGN’s thematic areas.

This 3d AFRICA-DESIGN Workshop will explore opportunities and challenges for sustainable development, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic