The events of the ICED23 AFRICA-DESIGN Hybrid Workshop, which took place on the 24th of July 2023, are summarized in this report, including next steps, which the creation of an African Chapter within The Design Society is of keen interest.
The events of the DESIGN2022 AFRICA-DESIGN Online Workshop, which took place on the 23rd of May 2022, are summarized in this report, along with next steps
The report of discussions from the 3rd Baraza, 'Social Benefits' under the theme 'Considering the Social Impacts of Design - A Guide for Getting Started' held online on the 20th April 2022, with moderators from Brigham Young University.
The report of the discussions that took place at the online Tujifunze Baraza under the theme 'Modalities of Mutual Learning for Global Sustainable Development' on the 17th February 2022. With moderators from UC San Diego and University of Michigan.
This report contains results of gathered insights and analysis on behaviour and ideologies about sustainability from various perspectives and individuals ahead of the ICED21 AFRICA-DESIGN workshop.
The summary report of the discussions that took place at the online AFRICA-DESIGN Baraza on 'Healthcare Systems Design for Sustainability' on the 10th November 2021.
The events of the ICED21 AFRICA-DESIGN Online Workshop, which took place on August 16th 2021, are summarized in this report, along with next steps.
The events of the AFRICA-DESIGN 2020 Online Workshop, which took place on October 26 2020, are summarized in this report, along with next steps.
We summarise the discussions and follow up actions that took place on 5 August 2019 at the ICED 2019 Workshop on Design for Global Sustainable Development in Delft.